This page will help you getting started with Elixir. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

ℹī¸ Overview

Welcome to the best ecosystem for gamers to enjoy web3 games. We are bullish on a place without friction where gamers can easily click and play any game on the platform, avoiding tedious login forms or wallet links only available for the most brilliant engineers...

We are actively building with love a combination of a developer dashboard where publishers can handle all their game info in an accessible way and a game launcher for gamers to enjoy the best games easily and socially.

You, game publishers, are the cheese to our pizza. We tried to make the integration path the smoothest possible. This is why we provided a documented onboarding guide and an API SDK in Unity and Unreal for you to integrate with us.

1. Become a Publisher

First, you'll need to request access to the Elixir Dashboard. To do so, you'll need to create an account in Elixir and then request access from the support team. If you are a verified publisher, you'll be granted access to the dashboard.

From there, you'll be able to start with your game setup:

Add a new Game

2. Set up your Keys

All interactions against the Elixir API should be authenticated via an API Key.

More than that, we provide a development key to allow you to develop the integration locally and a production key for when you are ready to go live!

Once you have your game set up, you can generate your unique API Keys to start with the integration with Elixir Launcher:

API Keys

To get started with the integration, you will find the following:

UnityUnreal EngineElixir REST API

3. Upload new builds

Now that you integrated your game with the Elixir System, you are ready to upload it to our servers and start distributing it through the Launcher.

But don't panic. You'll find several options before going public so you can test that everything is working fine from the launcher side. And once everything is ready, you'll be able to handle all your game's releases smoothly:

Version control

4. Game Release

Astronauts ready, engines ready... You are ready to launch! We know this is an essential step in a game's life, and we want it to be perfect

👏 The complete experience

In Elixir, you'll find some extra features that will make the experience for you and the gamers unique:

Import NFTs Collection

Your NFTs are about to be transformed into Elixir Skins, but previously, you'll need to tell us where we should look for them:

NFT Collections

Access codes distribution

Take control of your game distribution. Generate unique access keys and distribute them as you wish:

Beta Codes


Activate your community, configure and host custom tournaments for the entire Elixir community to enjoy!


Last updated

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