Add a Build

1. Your First Build

Builds in Elixir Platform are used for version control. Every new Build represents a new version of the Game. Creating a build is a simple task:

  • Choose your own version naming

  • Have control of which build you have active to perform new releases and rollbacks

Do not forget to activate the Build once everything is ready. Also, you can always de-activate it when you want to close the access to the game. Or perform a roll-back by activating older builds just by using the toggles:

2. Your First Depot

Now that you have created a Game Build. Let upload the file so you can start playing it. For this you will need to configure the Depot: A configuration file that will include information about the Game File and how to execute it.

  • Installation Path: Do not modify this path. We are planning on removing it from here for the next version.

  • Launch Command: It should follow a structure like "<InstallationPath>/<route to the executable file>". See Recommendations

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