🖥️Desktop Auth

API protocol description and utilities for Desktop integration

Launcher AUTH

Each game will receive a rei key when launched under the -rei field. This rei key will be required to get the user session JWT on a separate request. The player session will be kept alive by the Game Developer using the Get Refresh Token request. JWT will be required Bearer Token on every request.

The following methods will be used only for Elixir Launcher Games to keep a user session.

Development Only

As described above, some will notice a dependency on Elixir Launcher to test the complete integration. But for local development, we facilitate the following endpoint, restricted only for Development Keys. That allows game developers to generate verifiable reikeys for development purposes.

Use your account

Note that the reikey generated with this endpoint will grant access to the Game Owner account. So any modification applied to this account (new username, new wallet, friends...) will be accessible in development mode. This accelerates integration and removes dependencies.

Support extra accounts

You can also log in with different accounts. To do so, you'll need to ask the Support Team to whitelist any of your developers and provide you with their playerId . Two use cases can be extrapolated from this utility:

  • For those games that need to log in several users to test multiplayer features or have an anti-cheat system that uses OpenID.

  • For bugs and tickets from your community. You'll be able to log in with bugged accounts to fix the issue.

Generate Reikey

GET https://kend.elixir.app/sdk/auth/v2/dev/reikey

Please be aware that this endpoint is only accessible with a DEVELOPMENT KEY. The purpose of this endpoint is to ease an agile usage of the API, providing an endpoint that allows generating valid reikeys.

Query Parameters


    "code": 1,
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "reikey": "508b12d4-1e98-4534-bfc0-6554178ebb8e",
        "playerId": "aea...5d36"

Auth Endpoints

Get User Credentials

GET https://kend.elixir.app/sdk/auth/v2/session/reikey/:reikey

The reikey param will be sent by the launcher when the game is executed as a -rei field. With this endpoint, the reikey will be activated, and the user credentials will be provided. With them, the game will be able to maintain in the background the user session alive, in order to avoid bugs and impersonation.

Path Parameters


    "code": 1,
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIU...",
        "tokenExpiry": 1703311143769,
        "tokenLifeMS": 31557600000,
        "refreshToken": "be3...388",
        "user": {
            "_id": "aea...d36",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "banReason": ""

Refresh User token

POST https://kend.elixir.app/sdk/auth/v2/session/refresh

Each JWT will have an expiration time, to extend the session it will be required to ask for a new token. To do so, it will be needed the refresh token and the last active jwt. For example, if the game makes 3 times a request to this service, the jwt to provide for the third call will be the jwt and refreshToken received in the second one. If the refreshToken is lost, it will be necessary to generate a new reikey. As time expiry may change several times, we recommend requesting a refreshToken few seconds after the tokenExpiry timestamp is reached.


Request Body

    "code": 1,
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "token": "ey...",
        "tokenExpiry": 1703311143769,
        "tokenLifeMS": 31557600000,
        "refreshToken": "be...8",
        "user": {
            "_id": "aea...36",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "banReason": ""

Close Session

POST https://kend.elixir.app/sdk/auth/v2/session/closerei/:reikey

This endpoint should be executed when the user closes the game: It will terminate the session credentials (jwt and reikey). The usage of this endpoint is similar to a refresh token endpoint, but jsut requires a valid JWT as an authorization header.

Path Parameters


    "code": 1,
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "closed": true

Last updated